Poor Man’s Bodybuilding Meal Plan

So you’re broke and want to be shredded. I’ve been there, believe me. We’ve all been there, and sometimes it’s just life. I’ve been poor before, and I recall weeks when I was obliged to attempt cutting up because I didn’t have enough money to eat a lot. how fast does trenbolone work I recall having to fast for a few days one time because I was so broke. I recall accumulating change in my car in arkansasacb.org order to purchase a 99 cent burger from Burger King so that I could have dinner that night. Now, I’ve discovered that in the past, I spent more money dieting than I did eating more leniently.

When your bodybuilding regime improves, things tend to become more expensive.

When you’re attempting to keep all that muscular mass, the amount of calories you need to eat increases dramatically. More food, more feedings, but fewer calories in total.
Dieting can be done in a variety of ways, some easier than others and some more effective than others. A lot of it is determined by your size and body type.
A professional bodybuilder with 275 pounds of muscle may consume 4-5 pounds of meat every day. while other gym goers get by on 1 pound of meat every day
I’m not going to give you anything ridiculous, and I’m not going to give you anything that will need you to spend every single cent you have just to pay your grocery bill.
I’m just going to provide you a practical approach to get shredded for very little money, PERIOD!

A simple and cost-efficient diet meal plan

A simple and cost-efficient diet meal plan

When you are doing anything on a daily basis, it must be something that you can stick to.
My initial decision was to get another George Foreman Grill. I used to have one of these, but it ultimately ripped and had to be thrown away.
The George Foreman Grill simply made sense to me because it was quick and easy, used less energy than an oven, and did not heat up my house like an oven would.
It’s also faster than waiting for an oven to heat up and less messy than dealing with a glass dish.
It’s been really hot here recently, and I’m tired of an oven raising the temperature of my home.

A basic George Foreman Grill can be beneficial enough

The next thing I decided to do was go old school with my diets.
I planned to follow a diet similar to that of bodybuilders in the 1970s, before the days of microwaves and other modern conveniences.
The terrible part, in my opinion, is that these guys had such great physiques back then, with half the conveniences we have now and very little supplements.
At the end of the day, I believe it is simply hard work!

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A good approach to the classic way of diet and bodybuilding

For starters, I was going to start lowering carbs again and adding more fats to my diet. Because I hadn’t done it in a while, this would work for me.
So I wasn’t going to shy away from breakfast staples like a few slices of bacon, entire eggs, sausage links, and cottage cheese. Because meat is pricey, I would use two cans of tuna fish for one of my meals instead of a fish fillet or a chicken breast.
Not to add that canned tuna does not need to be heated, and if I grew tired of it, I’d sprinkle it on a salad with a light dressing like balsamic vinaigrette. Fruit is another thing I’d add to the diet because it’s cheap, convenient, and doesn’t require any preparation.
So the diet’s only actual preparation was making my breakfast and then grilling my meat on the George Foreman grill in the evening. Because I only ate meat once a day, greater servings were absolutely OK. Essentially, I consume as much meat as I can fit onto the two-burger grill in one session.
Because carbs were reduced significantly, foods like natural peanut butter, almonds, and avocados were reintroduced as healthy fat sources. When carbs are removed, fats must typically be replaced, and when fats are removed, carbs must usually be replaced.
This diet is essentially an inexpensive, old-school way of doing things.
It’s sometimes easier for me to buy food for just that day, or a couple of days at most. It’s easy to determine how much I need to eat, and it occasionally prevents me from overspending.
So here’s a typical day’s grocery list while I’m following the old school cutting diet.

A Poor Man’s Super Market Shopping Cart

  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 1 lb of meat, Typically, lean ground beef or ground turkey is used.
  • 3-4 avocados
  • 2 cans of tuna fish
  • pack of almonds
  • pack of bacon
  • bag of apples
  • container of blueberries
  • couple small tubs of cottage cheese

That is probably $30 – $40 right there, however aside from the meat, most of what is on that list will last me a few days.

A typical old school cutting diet and meal plan

A typical old school cutting diet and meal plan

  • 4 whole eggs with cheese, blueberries, and 2-3 pieces bacon
  • 3 pork chops (about 16 oz), apple
  • 50 g Dymatize Elite protein shake in water, 2 tbsp natural peanut butter with chia and flax seed
  • 2 cans tuna over salad with balsamic vinaigrette and avocado
  • 2 full-fat cottage cheese servings, 2 handfuls almonds

Those five meals are merely examples of what I may eat on a given day while on the old school cutting diet.
I’d attempt to limit my cheat meals to once each week.

Don’t freak out about over eating

If you’re financially stressed, so be it; sometimes we have to go through hell in order to get to a better place in life. If you can make the required sacrifices, I’m sure you can be rather successful at practically anything else you’re working on in life!
Get rid of the notion that everything in your life must be comfy! I’m sick of hearing everyone’s nonsense about how difficult their lives are. This is difficult for anyone, and it is difficult for me as well!
Everywhere I go now, I have to listen to someone scream about a poor back caused by a shaky mattress, some nonsense food allergy that is most likely a fabrication of their fucking brain, or a back injury that they avoid rather than working through it and correcting the problem.
Human beings were not created to suffer and be forever bound to a life of being screwed in the ass.
Maybe we got weak somewhere along the way?
Yes, I believe so.
Anyway, this is occasionally how I diet, old school. And because I’m a fan of classic bodybuilding, why not Let’s keep it real and go back to the basics of planning and perseverance! Work out hard!



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